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سیستم جدا کننده مایع مسیر ساکشن مرکزی CS 1+GF1

وضعیت ناموجود
رتبه ی این کالا: 0.0
  • سیستم جدا کننده مایع مسیر ساکشن مرکزی
  • دورردنتال آلمان
  • جهت استفاده با تکنیک خشک ساکشن مرکزی
  • نرخ جداسازی آمالگام 70%

CS 1 Combi-Sepamatic

The CS 1 has a powerful drive so that the suction system can cope even with treatment with a high fluid flow rate. The two-stage separation prevents bllod foam being drawn in and thus protects the connected dry suction machine.

Separation systems

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Separation systems

CS 1 Combi-Sepamatic

The CS 1 has a powerful drive so that the suction system can cope even with treatment with a high fluid flow rate. The two-stage separation prevents bllod foam being drawn in and thus protects the connected dry suction machine.

 CS 1  Technical data
 24  Voltage (V)
 50/60  Frequency (Hz)
 2.7  Current consumption (A)
 0.07  Power (kW)
 2  Max. fluid flow rate (l/min)
 12.5 x 15 x 12
 43.5 x 25.5 x 16 (with housing)
 Dimensions (H x W x D cm)
 1.4, with housing 7.4  Weight (kg)








